Turns out I have an addictive personality. Due to English being my second language and the fact that, once I think I know what something means, I get lazy and don’t check twice. I used to think that this meant that I’m such a sweet person that people and ants would just get addicted to me. Something in me thought that was odd, being very reclusive and somewhat people shy, but like I said, I could not be bothered to look it up on wiki or even Google it. Now, I have battled my fare share of addictions, nicotine, nail biting, TV, dancing in the supermarket aisle when a good song is on, and chocolate covered raisins. To put your mind at ease… I’m doing well.
It’s been a while that I have had access to internet 24/7, but I have it now and I’ve had it over the last 4 days. Why you wonder? Well to make a long story even longer; My car has had trouble starting since before this wicked winter and now she gave up. With her last spark I rolled down the mountain and to the garage and now I’m patiently waiting to see if the patient will recover. Meanwhile I’m enjoying bed and breakfast in a friend’s house who has internet I can use freely, like the fridge and the toilet, in exchange for me doing the cooking and help mowing the lawn. The lawn by the way, is not so much nice bowling green grass, but rough weeds of all kind.
But back to addictions. As soon as I plugged in my trusted little laptop and the world wide web was once again flowing in like a river of dreams, I was hooked, again. The whole idea of working on my writing went out the window in favor of facebook. I check email like I used to bite my nails, often, and like my nails, they don’t grow as fast as I can bite. Like any addiction, even though you know it’s a road to nowhere and barren to boot, you keep chewing, puffing and checking.
So to start my healing process, in the presence of all of you, who are not presently present, I’ll stand up and admit: “I, Joey Neniu, also known as Kim, also known as mad woman on the hill, am addicted to the www.riverofemptydreams.com also known as the world wide web. And I freely add that I see now that the wwweb for me is as dangerous as a spiders web is for a fly.
Well now, that is a load of my mind. Now get the car fixed and go back up the hill and dive headlong into my favorite addiction, spinning yarns.
To all you addicts out there, my heart goes out to you, be well and whatever you do, love thy self.
p.s I still dance in the supermarket aisle, I just stopped calling it an addiction.