Get organized
I put my hand on the tent tarp roof, and without lifting it I know the thickness of the blanked of snow. After yesterdays big collapse a voice of reason tells me to go get organized, it’s a strangely familiar voice I never cared much to listen to.
Now that this voice is finally heard, it gets slightly confused; horse first, no roof first, no candle heaters first. “So much for me making plans” I hear myself say to no one in particular.
I laugh out loud and hear the laughter of a woman gone mad. Did I go off the bend farther than I thought?, While warm tears stream over my cold face, I hear that laugh again, I’ve gone mad for sure.
I put my flowerpot heaters on the gas stove, get the rake, clear the roof, put the flowerpot heaters on the candles, and plough my way to my horse. I warm my hands on her warm belly and steal a cuddle just for me, I need the cuddle as much as she needs the hay. I breath in deeply and tell myself "it’ll be okay". I plough my way back to my house on wheels, put the kettle on and clean up my ever growing mess inside the tiny space.
When I sit down for a well earned cup of comfort I understand that getting organized is more to do with doing than with thinking.