It is good to be precise with words when you try to explain something complex. Be clear with what you mean with a word, and stick to it.
Sometimes it is helpful to make up a new word or expression and stick your meaning on to that; but stick to it.
When you use words like ego, mind or consciousness and awareness or the world and humanity, be clear about what is what; this is not to say that you are right when you describe ego, awareness or the world, you just made clear what you mean when you use that word.
It is all too easy to get lost in a battle of words; it is helpful to remember that words in itself hold no truth.
Words are like bricks in the road, it is not the brick that is important, not even the road is important, only the journey has value. When you listen to someone’s journey, don’t listen for the bricks, listen for the experience, listen for the trip, travel with them, don’t bicker over bricks.